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snowChildren love playing in the snow during winter.
terminalPlease proceed to the gate in the main terminal.
investigationsThey conducted several investigations to uncover the truth.
responsesThe survey collected responses from a diverse group of individuals.
naturallyAn intuitive understanding comes naturally, without the need for conscious reasoning.
afternoonCan we meet at the park this afternoon?
examineWe need to examine the evidence closely.
bankingOnline banking has made managing finances more convenient.
conversationThey had a long and meaningful conversation.
pollutionShe's concerned about the impact of pollution on the environment.
basinThe river basin is crucial for the region's water supply and ecosystem.
tendencyThere is a natural tendency to seek comfort in familiar surroundings.
calendarThere are twelve months in a calendar year.
reflectWe need to reflect on ourselves and our actions.
separationThe separation of powers is a key aspect of the government's structure.
circulationThe newspaper has a wide circulation, reaching readers across the country.
samuelSamuel received an award for his outstanding contributions to community service.
classifiedThe government classified the document as confidential due to sensitive information.
struggleThe working-classes often struggle to make ends meet.
categoriesItems in the store were grouped according to categories, making it easy for customers to find what they needed.
importsThe country's economy relies on imports from other nations.
happenWhat will happen if you don't submit your report on time?
strangeI saw something strange in the woods. 
coupleThe couple had a beautiful wedding ceremony with all their friends and family. 
writersMany famous writers have penned stories about love.
caughtHe caught a cold after being out in the rain.
enableThe new technology will enable faster communication.
quantitiesThey ordered large quantities of supplies for the project.
payableThe invoice is due, and the amount is payable next week.
queenMany places are named after various Queen Elizabeths.
outerThe circle's radius was measured from the center to the outer edge.
oregonPortland is a city in Oregon known for its natural beauty.
harborThe harbor was filled with various vessels.
quickWe need a quick solution to this problem.
involvesThe process involves several steps and careful planning.
colonelColonel Smith led his troops into battle.
discriminationLaws have been put in place to prevent discrimination in the workplace. 
joinWould you like to join me for dinner?
representingThe artist is currently representing her work at a gallery.
supportingThe community is supporting the local food bank.
proceedYour consent is required before we can proceed.
vastThe Great Lakes in North America are vast and beautiful.
thermalThe thermal insulation in the building helps regulate temperature and energy efficiency.
eatWe can eat anything for dinner. 
exclusiveBeing a member gives you access to exclusive content.
songWe could hear the cricket's song as we sat around the campfire. 
releasedThe recording of the live concert will be released soon.
weakAfter being sick, she felt weak and needed rest.
intellectualThe Age of Enlightenment marked a period of intellectual and cultural growth.
judgesThe panel of judges had a difficult decision to make.
horsesHorses have been used for transportation and labor throughout history.
poetryShe writes poetry in her free time.
electronThe electron orbits the nucleus of an atom in discrete energy levels.
obviouslyThe mistake in the report was obviously overlooked during the proofreading process.
validBoth sides of the argument have valid points.
extendingThe company is extending its product line next year.
wonDo you know who won the competition?
creatingCreating a positive work environment is important for employee satisfaction.
automaticThe automatic doors at the shopping mall make entry and exit easy.
atmosphereThe small town had a friendly atmosphere.
definiteSolids have a definite shape and volume.
readersShe joined a book club to meet like-minded readers.
princeThe prince and princess represented the country's royalty.
addingIn music, modulation refers to a change in key, adding depth and variety to a composition.
divineMany believe in the concept of divine providence.
repliedShe replied to the invitation with enthusiasm.
tennesseeChattanooga, Tennessee, is known for its scenic beauty and historic sites.
loseDo you have a spare key in case you lose the main one?
romeIn ancient Rome, chariots were used in races as well as in battle.
elizabethQueen Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning monarch in British history.
leagueHe was a star player in the local basketball league.
objectionShe raised an objection during the meeting about the proposed changes.
peakThe triangular shape of the mountain peak was visible from a distance.
detroitDetroit is a major hub for the automotive industry in the United States.
weeklyThe students have a weekly spelling test. 
mainlyThe diet plan consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
empireThe Roman Empire was one of the most powerful in history.
sitLet's sit down and talk so we can understand each other better.
psychologicalAdolescent development involves physical and psychological changes.
stagesThe project is in its final stages of development.
strikingHe was considered quite handsome, with striking features.
imagesMirrors are designed to reflect light and images.
valveThe engineer replaced the faulty valve to restore proper functionality.
scottScott received recognition for his contributions to environmental conservation.
louisianaLouisiana is known for its unique Creole and Cajun cultures and delicious cuisine.
escapeMigrants often seek better opportunities or escape adverse conditions in their home countries.
oreThe industrial process of smelting transforms raw ore into usable metal.
wealthThe wealth of a nation depends on its economic strength.
transactionThe online transaction was quick and secure.
competitiveThe interest rate on the loan is competitive.
bindingThe binding on this book is coming loose.
conversionThe conversion of the document to PDF format was successful.
spainFranco's leadership had a lasting impact on the history of Spain.
consequenceThe consequence of his actions was severe.
favorableThe weather forecast is favorable for the outdoor wedding ceremony.
essentiallyThe new software update is essentially an improved version of the previous release.
voltageHigh voltage is required for the efficient operation of electrical appliances.